Over 25,685 babies will be born in Nigeria on January 1, 2019, making up 6.5 per cent of the estimated 395,072 babies to be born on New Year’s Day globally, says the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF).
According to a statement by UNICEF Nigeria’s Acting Representative, Pernille Ironside, over half of the world’s births are estimated to take place in just eight countries, including Nigeria.Ironside noted that India would record the highest birth of new babies with 69,944, followed by China with 44,940, Nigeria 25,685, Pakistan 15,112, Indonesia 13,256, United States 11,086, Democratic Republic of Congo 10,053 and 8,428 in Bahladesh. He said that Nigerian babies would account for almost 40 per cent of those born in West and Central Africa, and more than 23 per cent of those born in sub-Saharan Africa.
According to a statement by UNICEF Nigeria’s Acting Representative, Pernille Ironside, over half of the world’s births are estimated to take place in just eight countries, including Nigeria.Ironside noted that India would record the highest birth of new babies with 69,944, followed by China with 44,940, Nigeria 25,685, Pakistan 15,112, Indonesia 13,256, United States 11,086, Democratic Republic of Congo 10,053 and 8,428 in Bahladesh. He said that Nigerian babies would account for almost 40 per cent of those born in West and Central Africa, and more than 23 per cent of those born in sub-Saharan Africa.
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