71-Year-Old Preacher Arrested For Making ‘Homophobic Comments’, Telling Passers-By God Created Only 2 Genders (Video)

71-Year-Old Preacher Arrested For Making ‘Homophobic Comments’, Telling Passers-By God Created Only 2 Genders

71-Year-Old Preacher Arrested For Making ‘Homophobic Comments’, Telling Passers-By God Created Only 2 GendersA 71-year-old pastor was arrested on the streets of London for making “homophobic comments” and telling passers-by that same-sex couples were against “God’s created order“.

Pastor John Sherwood and Pastor Peter Simpson were preaching outside Uxbridge tube station in West London on Friday, April 23, when police officers were called on them .

The incident happened last week but a video of the altercation between the pastor, passers-by and police recently began trending.

Police said they received complaints the man had been making ‘allegedly homophobic comments‘ and arrested him under Public Order Act, which can be used under the vague provisos that someone is using ‘abusive or insulting words’ that cause ‘harm‘ to someone else.

Simpson expressed that he “began the preaching and referred to the grave abandonment by our nation of its Christian foundations, an abandonment which has manifested itself in, for example, the redefinition of marriage“.

Same-sex marriage, he said, was “an assault upon the Biblical revelation, which tells us that marriage can be only between one man and one woman“.

Sherwood, 71, then took over and began “expounding the final verses of Genesis 1“, telling passers-by that families must be “headed by a father and a mother“, and that;

The distinction within mankind of just two genders, male and female, made in the image of God, constitutes the essence of God’s created order.

Police soon arrived at the scene, saying they received complaints about “homophobic comments” made by the pastor that were causing “distress” to members of the public.

Officers were caught on video asking him to stop preaching against LGBT+ community, which he refused to do.

Sherwood was then told he was under arrest and was asked to come down from his step stool, which he also refused to do.

Eventually, police took the man’s hands and pulled him down, after which he tried to break free, before finally being put in handcuffs and taken to a police car.

Onlookers can be heard shouting, “He’s an elderly man, take it easy with him.”

The grandfather claimed he was left bruised after police pulled him from a mini-stepladder he was using and cuffed his hands behind his back.

Sherwood, a pastor for 35 years, said;

I wasn’t making any homophobic comments, I was just defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman. I was only saying what the Bible says – I wasn’t wanting to hurt anyone or cause offence.

I was doing what my job description says, which is to preach the gospel in open air as well as in a church building.

He expressed;

When the police approached me, I explained that I was exercising my religious liberty and my conscience. I was forcibly pulled down from the steps and suffered some injury to my wrist and to my elbow. I do believe I was treated shamefully. It should never have happened.

Sherwood, who preaches at an independent evangelical church in north London, was arrested under the Public Order Act for allegedly causing alarm or distress.

He was released without charge but a file has now been passed to the Crown Prosecution Service for review.

Metropolitan Police said a member of the public flagged down patrol officers and alleged Sherwood made homophobic comments.

The clergyman said officers grilled him over his attitude to gay people and was even asked what he would do if his children were gay.

The married father-of-two said;

The question was irrelevant to the allegation against me. I said I would seek to bring them to Christ, but of course I would love them no matter what, because they’re my children.

Watch the viral video below;

The post 71-Year-Old Preacher Arrested For Making ‘Homophobic Comments’, Telling Passers-By God Created Only 2 Genders (Video) appeared first on MojiDelano.Com.

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